Framework for Action

Brief definition

Systematically addressing the broader determinants of health (including social, economic, and environmental factors, as well as individual characteristics and behavior) through evidence-informed policies and actions across all sectors.
PHC Approach PHC LEVERS PHC Results

Multisectoral Policy and Action

Link to immunization: national immunization and PHC program managers and decision-makers can contribute to multisectoral policy action by advocating for greater collaboration and integration of policy approaches and data across health and other sectors.

  • Government entities and departments that deal with social factors that influence health outcomes and immunization status are often siloed, hindering a holistic approach to cross-sector issues.
  • A Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach, whereby health implications are systematically considered across all policy decisions in sectors beyond health (e.g. finance, education, gender, social welfare) is an important tool to foster multisectoral policy and action.

WHO’s HiAP approach is grounded in principles of legitimacy, accountability, transparency, and access to information, participation, sustainability, and collaboration across the sectors of government. HiAP seeks to recognize and address systematically the potential health implications of policy decisions in an effort to avoid harmful outcomes and improve population health and equity.